How To Animate in Krita?
In this tutorial. I'll tell you how to animate in krita with a free animation program. Krita! Which is sort of like photoshop. It's great for painting backgrounds, but also for doing frame-by-frame animation.
How to download Krita animation software free?
Krita animation |
if you'd like to download the source files
and animation examples we created, they're available in the gumroad link
How to install Krita on windows7,10 /Linux?
We're gonna go up to download...and we want the Krita desktop version. And the installer I'm going to use is a 64-bit installer, but they also have a 32-bit. And it's also available for Windows, Mac, and Linux which I really like. C: So we're gonna click our installer...and a window will pop up asking where to download the installer. So say that somewhere where you'll be able to access it later like the desktop.
So, well go ahead and click save...And once the downloads are done, you'll see it in your download bar down here Or you can navigate to the folder where it saved. Well, double click it to install Krita and if you're new to Windows, it may ask you if you really want to run this program. We know this program is safe, so go ahead and click run...Then, well click next to set it up. Accept the terms and agreements...Click next. and just install it on the default folder. and, I leave all this stuff checked when I'm installing it usually. Well go ahead and click I agree again. Install it into our start menu folder. And well also create a desktop icon, so we can open it later. And click install, and the program will install. And once it says completed on the top left, we're gonna go ahead and click next. And finish
Animate in Krita.

.So, I'll go ahead and open up Krita, by double-clicking on its icon. when you first open up Krita, it will look like this. To create a new image we're gonna go up to File...New...And we'll create a new document. I'll usually just go under custom documents, And I'll set it to... 1920 by 72 pixels per inch. And if you want to save this for future use...You can type in the name of your format, and then click Save, and then next time you want to use the same format, it'll be in this dropdown menu. So we'll go ahead and click create...And we have a new blank document, which we can go ahead and start drawing in! So let's figure out how to navigate in Krita. So to zoom in and out...on your keyboard...on the top right by the backspace button. To pan around, hold down the spacebar, and your...cursor(!) will become a hand, and you can move around your page this way. To draw we're gonna grab our brush tool, which is right here.*If you cant tell.*Or we can press " B" as quickly get to our brush.
How do I start animating in Krita?
Now the default brush...may not be the brush that you want. So the window that I like to use is usually this brush preset window over here and if you don't see that, go under Settings...Dockers...And Brush Presets. Well be using the dockers later, so note that our Animation...And our Timeline dockers are...located here...Well be using those later, BUT FOR NOW...We're just gonna go into our Brush... Preset, and...You can see there's a whole bunch of em. Probably too much to pick from. So, what I like to do is I use this Drop Down...And I look for... the... kind of brush that I want to use. And then I can select it...And start using this kind of brushes. So... this wet one... is... kind of nice for doing painting-like backgrounds, or...something of that sort. Ink is good for sketching and doing your doodles. And you'll notice that I'm getting pressure sensitivity. So when I press harder, I have a thick line, and when I let go and press more softly,
I get a thin line. So this is because I am using a tablet to draw actuality not using my mouseIf I were to use my mouse it would look more like this heh HehIts kinda clunky and there's no preacher sensitive but you totally can animate with a mouse but I highly recommend getting a drawing tablet you want a cheap drawing tablet that I would recommend putting one in the video description below if you want to erase something eraser is located at the top this is also where your settings are for every tool that you use the eraser is this eraser button here that will turn whatever brush you're using into an eraser if say you're using a softer brush like this oneItll be a soft kind of erasewhereas if you're using a hard brush like this one,
and you switch it to erasers gonna do more of a hard edge eraser lets talk about layers!which you can access by clicking this layers tab right here if you don't see the layers panel you can go up to settings, dockers, and layers, and if your workspace ever gets messed up you can always go to the window, workspace and then default and it'll set everything back to its default position so the way you can think of layers is kinda like stacks of papers the layer that's on the bottom is gonna be the bottom of the stack of paper layer on top of it will be on top but then on top of that layer may be another stack of paper