C ke functions kya kya hote hai, example of c functions

 Later types of functions in c and finally different categories of a function now let's get started with what functions in cr a function is a set of statements that perform a certain task to generate an output we use functions to avoid the repetition of coding c programs functions can be called n number of times and c allows multiple functions in A program now let's look at the structure of a function in a function header we have written type function name and a list of arguments and the body of a function inside the curly brackets now let's have a look at the function definition in c in the even below function definition example we have int as a data type product as a function name followed .

 Parameters ca and v next the body of a function consists set of statements to perform certain operation so in this particular example we gonna perform a product of two numbers up next we have function declaration in c a function declaration is also known as a function prototype in c there are some important things to know about function declaration and the first .

 Thing is that the function prototype must be placed before the main function and if the function definition is placed before the main function then the function prototype is unnecessary in the program next function declaration may or may not contain parameters rather it may have only data types of variables then the function header must match the function declaration syntax of a function declaration is return type function name .

 And parameter list for example int product and data types if required we can also specify variables along with the data type like int ea comma int b now that we know function definition and declaration in c language let's move ahead and understand the types of functions in c c has two types of functions and they are library functions and user defined .

 Functions library functions are built in functions or we can also see predefined functions in the header file for example functions like square root string length printf scanf etc are predefined functions in c to use library functions in dc program we include a header file corresponding to that function functions that the user defines are called user defined functions let's consider the below given example .

 We have three important features function prototype function call and function definition a function prototype is declared before the main function next calling a function is done inside the main function and then comes the function definition in which we have a set of statements to be executed let's now look at some different categories of functions in c first functions with no argument and no .

 Returning value next function with arguments but no returning value then functions with no argument and returning value and last functions with arguments and returning value let us understand them with the help of our programs if getting your learning started is half the battle what if you could do that for free .

 Visit skill up by simply learn click on the link in the description to know more so this program is function with no argument and no written value as you can see we have declared function prototype function call and function definition in which we have function with no argument and no written value and we're going to perform multiplication operation using user defined function now let's run the program .

 According to the values of a variable 5 and 10 we got an output 5 into 10 is equal to 50. now let's run the program using a function with arguments and no written value and let's perform the same operation that is multiplication as you can see product of two numbers is equal to 50 and we got an output next program is using a function with no argument and with written value .

 To get a written value we have a data type int let's run it as you all can see we got an output product of two numbers is equal to 50. last program to execute is function with arguments and written value let's run it so the output is product of two numbers is equal to 50. so with this we have come to the end of this session on the functions in c .

 Mean it basically means that it keeps you full longer now your job at level 3 of the scale is to replace all the simple carbohydrates which are these with all complex carbohydrates which are these that's what you got to keep in mind now consider the case of white rice and brown rice suppose if someone who enjoys white rice you need a lot of white rice to make you feel full but when you compare to complex carbohydrate like brown rice that includes the husk .

 Of the rice it fills you up much more with a smaller amount and fewer calories and it's harder for you to digest so treat you full longer that way you end up eating fewer calories so if you replace all the simple carbohydrates in your life like a white bread made of white rice potatoes with complex carbohydrates like brown rice or whole wheat sweet potatoes you will observe that your energy levels are much higher your satiated much longer and most .

 Importantly you see a change in warning wrong position why because effectively you're consuming much lesser calories and still feeling full so replace all your simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates at level three of the scale and of course you don't forget the first two level also before we get to the next level keep in mind that up to level three is the protocol you can follow for life if you follow these three rules you'll almost .

 Never put on excess weight if you also keep your cheat meals in mind when it comes to cheating on your diet when it comes to eating unhealthy food there's a few hacks about getting around that process you can eat what you want and still lose weight if you want to know more check out this cheat meal guide video I've made earlier now moving on to level 4 this is the part of the scale we're not just talking about elimination the kind of talking about diet protocols .

 You guys must have heard of this word called the Paleo diet it's an American concept I don't believe in that entirely but what I do believe in is Indian value you also include dolls in this form of paleo dieting now what is paleo dieting essentially it's a low carb diet where you avoid all carb sources so you'll avoid right potatoes wheat any grain but you will include meat you will include veggies will include fruits and in the u.s. we don't .

 Really include legumes like Dodge because they contain a little bit of carbohydrate that's why we're talking about Indian value level for the scale is Indian paleo where you'll eat fruits for breakfast and through the rest of the day you can have veggies and you can have anything except for the carbohydrates that we know of that's this list moving on and level 5 the ketogenic diet AHA job here bicep cachito bench yes .

 We're talking about ito again because it is an effective weight loss diet contries or whatever people might argue a lot of people who think that sceeto isn't effective of keto isn't a good and healthy diet don't have a valid argument so I made an entire playlist on the ketogenic diet and fall you newbies a keto diet is once again a very low carb diet where your net carbs can't be higher than 20 grams a day net carbs all the carbs you get from even .

 Your vegetables and those will be your only carb sources for the entire day and in strict keto that actually works your vegetables can only be green leafy vegetables you can't even eat carrots beetroot all that if you want more information on the keto diet makes you check out the ketogenic diet playlist I ca


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