I.T lene se pahly in cheezo ko dyan se padhe, fyade or nukshaan

The information technology business so let's go ahead and get started so to be fair I've divided this video into two parts and the first part I'll talk about the good or the benefits of being in the IT business and the second part maybe I'll talk about some of the limitations or the not-so-good about being in the IT business so let's go ahead and start and look at the advantages first the first benefit that we look at is being in the IT business affords you a very good .

 Salary programmers architects DevOps engineers cloud engineers and IT managers all command very good salaries programmer salaries average 105 thousand dollars a year software architects 138,000 and software engineering managers average over a hundred and thirty seven thousand dollars I should note this is for the US and I got these statistics from indeed.com but you can get the idea that these are very good paying jobs so let's go ahead and look at the next benefit the next benefit about being in the IT business is particularly right now there is a shortage of trained people to work in the information technology business so for example if you look at cloud computing positions there are over 50,000 cloud computing positions available in the u.s. today and it they are available from 3,700 run employers and represent 100 and 1913 open positions worldwide today so I got this .

 Out of Forbes it doesn't take long to look around to see how many open jobs there are in the information technology business so this is a terrific time to go into this business because of the high demand so let's go ahead and look at another advantage of being in the information technology business another terrific benefit about being in information technology businesses mobility and that is you've mastered some core IT skills or .

 Perhaps a programming language or a cloud computing platform it's fairly easy to move to another company that uses the same hardware and software platform so if you get stuck in a terrible job if you're well-trained and you have some experiences it's pretty easy to move to another company that has a similar type of technology so that's another benefit is you won't get stuck maybe in a dead-end job if you have some skills you have the ability to move to .

 Another company that perhaps has a better environment so let's go ahead and look at yet one more benefit another advantage is many IT companies now support remote work and so you can work from home this is a great advantage and that you can save a large amount of time and money and IT jobs are particularly well suited for working from home so the only thing you'll probably need is a high-speed internet connection and some type of computing equipment so that you Can do your job remotely but this is a huge advantage it will save you that long arduous commute every day and trust me I now work at home and I don't miss commuting to work it's a fantastic opportunity and this is another huge advantage of many IT jobs so let's go ahead and look at our last advantage the last advantage I'll talk about is business knowledge since you're involved perhaps in programming or maybe support of a system in terms of DevOps or .

 Operational support you'll be in the position to really understand how the business operates many IT departments support mission critical systems that are really the core of how the company does business and this knowledge is very valuable and it can lead to a promotion or another opportunity in the company since you can really acquire that detailed business knowledge you really might become the go-to expert on how a lot of these business processes really .

 Function on a day to day basis so let's go ahead and move on to the next part ok so now we got the good out of the way let's look at maybe they're not so good it sounds pretty good so far great salary high demand you can move around you can work at home all great things but like all good things there's also some drawbacks as well so let's go ahead and take a look at what some of the potential drawbacks that working information technology business might be .

 The first area I'll talk about the limit or maybe a negative part of the business our tight deadlines deadlines around IT projects can be critical to the success of the company and some projects might be driven by legislative deadlines that really can't be changed your industry might be regulated in some type of way and they may have a certain date that you have to implement something by so fines or penalties might be involved for missing these types of .

 Deadlines and all of these things can lead to a very high level of stress some people are better at dealing this than others but tight deadlines and that focus around getting something out the door on time can lead to a high amount of stress so let's go ahead and maybe talk about something else that might be a limiting factor for you in the IT business another potentially negative factor with the information technology business is the potential for very long .

 Work hours to go along with those tight deadlines might be a lot of hours to meet those deadlines particularly when the project's coming to an end and if you work in an IT support position you'll probably have to work long hours fixing problems if there are any types of service outages most hardware and software upgrades also happen on off hours and many times this is on weekends or holidays and the very time where you don't want to be working so if you're .


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